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Cara Goubault

I grew up in Upstate New York where I especially loved to dive deeply into stories - whether they were my own, shared by others, or found in books. This made me a sensitive, imaginative kid who wanted to understand things beyond the surface.


In my early twenties, while dealing with anxiety and depression, I tried many psychotherapies. Then, I finally found a therapist who simply listened - no methods, worksheets, nor advice- and I "magically" began to get better.


It felt magical, yet it wasn’t. She was trained to hear beyond the manifest content of complaints towards something more profound. The complaints and symptoms were distractions - they kept me ruminating, and they avoided the questions that needed asking. What makes one happy and satisfied? What feels real and right?


I knew that I wanted this "magic" ability myself. I wanted to hear beyond the superficial to the symbolic, to understand people’s dreams, and to help people become more themselves and not merely symptom-free or well-adjusted.


This led me on a long journey of training in psychodynamic psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis, in two countries.


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ADELI: 440012037

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A Brief Resumé

  • Psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and adults for thirty years both in France and in the United States, in institutions and private practice.

  • Psychoanalysis (International Psychoanalytic Association)

  • Supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists in my practice and at the Centre Hosptialier Universitaire (CHU) de Nantes.

  • Interventions/workshops in schools on mental health, expat adaptation




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